Report Writing
I have a degree in English with a minor in Communication. This does not mean that I am better than other investigators that write reports, but it must be noted that some former law enforcement officers were only taught how to prepare reports in one way; in a way that allows them to make arrests. Just because someone might be presentable on the stand does not necessarily mean that they will look the same within their own report. All reports, in my opinion, must be written and presented as if everyone will be reviewing and reading it, such as the defense lawyer, the prosecutor, the Judge, the appellate Courts, the State Supreme Court, and even higher. Proofread, confirm, and be ready to standby the work product. Use the reports as building blocks to help build future statements, and to help guide future interviews. The use of quotations is also helpful, but should not make up the entire report; only use to stress ideas or points, or if you don’t think you’ll be able to recall that particular statement.
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